A stack of orange Tracsis Events branded high visibility jackets

Event Vacancies

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What we look for...

From the day you sign up with Tracsis Events, we have a dedicated team that keep an eye out for talented new team members. Our Staffing, Training and Development Managers are constantly speaking to the events teams to scout new potential candidates to begin the development process.

  • Enjoy the event marshal lifestyle
  • Willingness to travel to a variety of events
  • Flexibility to attend required events as needed
  • Ability to stay away at events for short periods
  • Desire to learn more about the industry
  • Excellent attendance and punctuality
  • Believe in the Tracsis Events values
  • Keen to progress
  • Positive attitude

All these qualities make for excellent team members and ideal candidates to develop further within Tracsis Events.

Working for Tracsis Events

What you need to know

A Tracsis Events Marhsal in front of a Tracsis branded van


Find answers to the questions we get asked the most about working with Tracsis Events.

Tracsis Events Marshals directing traffic

Health & Safety

Key Health & Safety points when working for Tracsis Events.

Close up of a Tracsis Events Marshal's jacket

Marshal Handbook

Keep up to date with changes in our newsletter.

A Tracsis Events Marshal giving the thumbs up to a motorist

Payment Information

Find all you need to know about payment on this page.

An aerial view of cars parked in a field.

Event Portfolio

We are traffic management specialists working at some of the top events in the UK.